Sales Training
Sales Planning and Forecasting

Accurate projections and predictable forecast based on science is critical for the success of an organization. This module is designed to enable sales professionals to perform optimally in today's challenging environment and enhance the ability to develop and manage the business of selling using the participant’s actual sales funnel.

This high impact programs shows the sales professional the criticality of managing ones pipeline to attain his objectives rather than making it a mundane reporting activity to management laced with doubts, omissions and questionable and inaccurate projections. This module relies heavily on action planning. Participants will leave the workshop having conducted a review of their own funnel with focused action plans to develop and maintain healthy funnel fully realising the importance of increasing opportunity deal size, conversion ratios and above all why creating new demand and opportunities are so critical to the attainment of their sales targets. They should then receive further coaching in the aspects and will continue the ongoing business reviews of their funnel with their own sales management. It is recommended by design that sales managers optimally attend the module as facilitators and coaches for these modules.